ADAPT consulting firm in Jakarta/Indonesia provides Management Consulting Services Series, such as: Human Resources Management Consulting, Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan, Supply Chain Management (SCM), Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Corporate Strategic Planning (CSP), Software Developer (Customized IT Solution), etc.


SCM (Supply Chain Management) – Consulting | ADAPT Indonesia

You have high working capital in inventory (finished goods & raw materials)?
Low Customer Satisfaction although Inventory is high?
Facing high logistic cost (warehousing, transport, administration, ordering &carrying cost)?
Less competitiveness caused by the lack of Supply Chain Management?
Would like to implement the STRATEGIC Supply Chain Management?

Supply Chain Management is the management (design, planning, execution, control) of the flow of goods and services involving the effective three main flows (product flow, information flow and finance flow), from point of origin (source) to point of consumption (customer) with the objectives of creating value added to customers and other stakeholders, competitive infrastructure, leveraging logistics, synchronize demand supply and measure the performance.

Benefits of Supply Chain Management Implementation:

  • Efficient & Effective Supply Chain Process adapted to Business Needs
  • Accelerating Supply Time to Market
  • Reducing Working Capital through Inventory Optimization (Finished Goods & Materials)
  • Improving Profitability through Logistics Cost Reduction
  • Enabling Growth by Rapidly Respond to Market

Adapt Indonesia’s Supply Chain Management Consulting services provide the Experience, Capabilities, Best Practical Insights, Innovative Strategies to help clients create long-term profitability and shareholder value and drive to the next level performance and value of supply chain aspects:

  • SCM Strategy
  • Sales Forecasting
  • Inventory Management
  • Master Production Schedule (MPS)
  • Capacity Planning
  • Material Requirement Planning (MRP) & Bill of Materials (BOM)
  • Procurement & Importation
  • Materials Handling &Warehouse Management
  • Transportation & Distribution System
  • Order Processing & Customer Service
  • Supply Chain Budget Forecasting
  • SCM Information Technology – Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • Supply Network Reconfiguration
  • SCM Dashboard & Analysis

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For complete information regarding SCM (Supply Chain Management), process, logistic, resources, training/workshop, implementation, please contact ADAPT Consulting firm in Jakarta/Indonesia, through email:


SCM (Supply Chain Management) – Consulting | ADAPT Indonesia

Anda memiliki working capital tinggi dalam persediaan (barang jadi & bahan baku)?
Kepuasan Pelanggan Rendah meski persediaan barang tinggi?
Menghadapi biaya logistik tinggi (pergudangan, transportasi, administrasi, pemesanan, dll)?
Kurangnya daya saing yang disebabkan Supply Chain management yang tidak efektif?

Ingin menerapkan Strategic Supply Chain Management?

Supply Chain Management (SCM) adalah manajemen (desain, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengendalian) arus barang dan jasa yang melibatkan tiga arus utama (arus produk, arus informasi dan arus keuangan). Dimulai dari titik asal (sumber) sampai titik konsumsi (pelanggan) dengan tujuan menciptakan nilai tambah bagi pelanggan dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya. Termasuk infrastruktur yang kompetitif, logistik, mensinkronkan penawaran & permintaan dan mengukur kinerjanya.

Manfaat implementasi Supply Chain Management:

  • Supply Chain Proses yang efisien & efektif disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan bisnis
  • Mempercepat waktu pasokan produk
  • Mengurangi working capital melalui optimalisasi inventory (barang jadi & bahan baku)
  • Meningkatkan profitabilitas melalui optimalisasi biaya logistik
  • Mengaktifkan pertumbuhan (growth) dengan cepat dalam me-response pasar

ADAPT Indonesia memberikan layanan Supply Chain Management Services dengan pengalaman, kemampuan, wawasan praktis yang terbaik, strategi inovatif untuk membantu klien dalam mendapatkan benefit jangka panjang dan mengarahkan ke tingkat kinerja ke level berikutnya, melalui:

  • SCM Strategy
  • Sales Forecasting
  • Inventory Management
  • Master Production Schedule (MPS)
  • Capacity Planning
  • Material Requirement Planning (MRP) & Bill of Materials (BOM)
  • Procurement & Importation
  • Materials Handling &Warehouse Management
  • Transportation & Distribution System
  • Order Processing & Customer Service
  • Supply Chain Budget Forecasting
  • SCM Information Technology – Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • Supply Network Reconfiguration
  • SCM Dashboard & Analysis

[CONTACT US, click here]
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai SCM (Supply Chain Management), process, logistic, resources, training/workshop, implementation, silahkan menghubungi ADAPT Consulting firm di Jakarta/Indonesia, melalui email: