ADAPT Indonesia provides customized 360 degree feedback online based, customized employee survey, and other human resources management services designed to improve the competitive positioning of your organization. Having the Human Resources Experts with excellent best practices, we will deliver our best quality services through flexible approach that exceed customer expectations.

360 Degree Feedback

360 Degree Feedback is a system or process in which employees receive confidential, anonymous feedback from other employees (typically employee’s manager, peers, direct reports, and people who work with them). Typical feedback aspects: leadership, vision & mission, teamwork, communication, organizational skills, adaptability, supervision, etc.

Benefits of 360 Degree Feedback:

  • 360 Degree Feedback to increase employee’s self-awareness (strength and weakness).
  • 360 Degree Feedback to have a balanced (more objectives) and fare view of employee’s skills and behaviors.
  • 360 Degree Feedback to encourage employee’s personal development.
  • 360 Degree Feedback to establish the right skill development programs.

360 Degree Feedback adalah sistem atau proses dimana karyawan menerima umpan balik secara rahasia dan anonim dari karyawan lainnya (biasanya manajer/supervisor dari karyawan tersebut, rekan kerja, laporan langsung, dan karyawan lain yang memiliki hubungan pekerjaan dengan mereka). Aspek umpan balik (feedback) yang umum dilakukan adalah mengenai kepemimpinan, visi & misi, kerja tim, komunikasi, kemampuan berorganisasi, kemampuan beradaptasi, pengawasan, dll.

Manfaat dari 360 Degree Feedback:

  • 360 Degree Feedback meningkatkan kesadaran diri (self-awareness) dari karyawan tersebut terhadap kekuatan dan kelemahannya.
  • 360 Degree Feedback memiliki pandangan yang lebih seimbang (lebih objective) terhadap keterampilan dan perilaku karyawan.
  • 360 Degree Feedback mendorong pengembangan pribadi karyawan.
  • 360 Degree Feedback menentukan program pengembangan ketrampilan diri (self development program) secara tepat.

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Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai 360 Degree Feedback, human resources management consultant, silahkan menghubungi ADAPT Consulting firm di Jakarta/Indonesia, melalui email: