ADAPT consulting firm in Jakarta/Indonesia provides Human Resources Consulting Services Series, such as: online employee survey, employee engagement survey, employee satisfaction survey, 360 survey, employee compliance course (leadership training), payroll outsourcing services provider, job analysis & design, performance appraisal (penilaian kinerja), talent assessment, rewards strategy & design, HR models & Process Design, HR Audit (Policy & Procedure), HR Legal Advice, etc.


Rewards Management & Stragety – HR Consulting | ADAPT Indonesia

Are you losing candidates and employees to competitors because they have reward elements better than yours?
Do you lead, meet or lag the market with your rewards?
Have you identified your desired competitive position for your executives, managers, associates, etc?
How cost effective is your reward programs?
What is the value of reward in the eyes of employees?
Rewards Strategy is ultimately a way of thinking that company can apply to any reward issue arising in the organization, to see how company can create value from it. This Rewards Strategy determines the direction in which the company innovate and develop reward management to support its business strategy.

Benefits of Rewards Strategy & Design:

  • Align employee reward strategies with business strategy
  • Mapping of your current offering competitiveness and where it could improved
  • Attract and retain people who will grow your business
  • Increase employee engagement from financial and non-financial rewards
  • Formulate the right mix of salary, incentives and benefits with the right cost
  • Prioritize effective reward programs delivery

We will help you to meet your employee wants with what you want to achieve, as well as what you can afford.
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For complete information regarding Rewards Management Strategy, tools, proces as part of HR Consulting (konsultan HR) series, please contact ADAPT Consulting firm in Jakarta/Indonesia, through email:


Rewards Management & Strategy – HR Consulting | ADAPT Indonesia

Apakah anda kehilangan karyawan/kandidat berpindah ke pesaing karena penghargaan lebih baik?
Apakah penghargaan di perusahaan anda lebih tinggi, sama or lebih rendah dari pasaran?
Sudahkan anda mengidentifikasi posisi kompetitif untuk jabatan eksekutif, manager, dll?
Seberapa efektif biaya proram reward anda?
Seberapa penting nilai reward di mata karyawan anda?
Strategi Imbalan (Rewards Strategy) pada akhrinya meruapakah cara berpikir perusahaan untuk mengatasi setiap masalah penghargaan yang timbul dalam organisasi. Untuk melihat bagaimana perusahaan dapat menciptakan value dari rewards. Rewards Strategy ini dapat menentukan arah dimana perusahaan berinovasi dan mengembangkan reward management untuk mendukung strategi bisnisnya.

Manfaat Rewards Strategy & Design:

  • Reward Strategy mampu mendukung terlaksannya Business Strategy
  • Memetakan daya saing anda saat ini dan membuat program improvement
  • Meningkatkan daya tarik dan mempertahankan karyawan yang dapat mengembangkan perusahaan
  • Meningkatkan keterlibatan karyawan melalui financial & non-financial rewards
  • Merumuskan formulasi yang tepat antara gaji, insentif, tunjuangan dengan biaya yang tepat pula
  • Memprioritaskan program pemberian rewards porgram yang efektif.

Kami siap menjembatani keinginan karyawan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan anda dengan mempertimbangkan kemampuan (afford) yang anda miliki sekarang.
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Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai Rewards Management Strategy, tools, proces ini sebagai salah satu dari HR Consulting (konsultan HR) series, silahkan menghubungi ADAPT Consulting firm di Jakarta/Indonesia, melalui email: